What Are the Songs of Your Past? The Song Remains the Same by Allison Winn Scotch

Thank you to BookSparks Pr and Lydia Hirt for the privilege of having Allison Winn Scotch and her latest novel The Song Remains The Same.


Nell Slattery is one of two survivors from a plane crash.  She wakes up with no memory of her life.  Her closest friends and confidantes are Jamie Reardon and Anderson Carroll the other survivor.  Nell makes a deal with Jamie that he helps her get the answers to her life that her family refuses to give and she will give him an exclusive on her experience.  Anderson gives support to Nell through her journey back to life.    Will the songs from her playlist suggest anything?  Will Nell discover the answers she is looking for?  Will she be able to move forward with her life?

My Thoughts:

I was excited for this opportunity to review Ms. Scotch’s work.  I   found the novel hard to maintain my focus.   Ms. Scotch conveyed Nell’s conflict within the novel very well.    I as the reader was able to understand Nell’s character, and gained sympathy for her with the reactions of the family to her amnesia.    The subject of amnesia is presented well in the novel.  The clash of characters with the family and their expectations of Nell  is interesting.  I would definitely read more from Ms. Scotch in the future. 

One aspect of the novel I liked was the song list that played through each chapter.  Rory gives her sister Nell a gift in the form of an ipod.    This ipod includes songs from Nell’s history.   The songs are supposed to help Nell recover her memory.  The chapters that include each song also include a flashback that relates to a memory from her past.   What would be on your playlist?

 You can contact Allison Winn Scotch on facebook   



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