Psychos: A White Girls Problem by Babe Walker shares her second novel in the series today. Synopsis: This sequel to 2012’s White Girl Problems, picks up four months after the previous novel. Babe has just returned from rehab for a shopping addiction. She is now trying to find inner peace and love in only the way that Babe Walker can. In order to “find” herself (and avoid that annoying stalker who leaves her mark in black lipstick), Babe goes to Europe. She meets and catches up with her Lesbian mother in France, travels by private plane with a handsome man to Greece, and gets stuck in Switzerland. After all that could true love and friendship have been waiting for her right around the corner? My Thoughts: I enjoyed this book more than the first one. For those of you who have never read Babe Walker, she is not for everyone. She is for those people who are a li...