My Journey through Never Too Late!
Claire Cook’s platform is “Reinvention.” So what is my reinvention? For Claire it began in her minivan. She will tell you more about it in the book. Mine started back in 2006 when my best friend said you devour books. You need to write. I pushed this idea away initially because I felt that I was so bad at it. When I moved to Georgia everything changed. I happened to move as the recession began. I needed a job. When I finally found one it didn’t really fit the bill for everything I needed. While trying to find more income I decided to work on my skill of writing but where to start? Claire would tell you herself that it all begins with networking! She describes her trip to the Isla Mujeres in Mexico to attend a conference We Move Forward where she is the keynote speaker. These initial chapters discuss the purpose of networking and why it is necessary for reinvention. I felt that Claire...