Week Three Ontologies and Folksonomies
This week the topic is discussed Folksonomies and Ontologies, and their impact on social media. They play an important role in social media. How can they play an important role in connecting information? My experience with folksonomies is more advanced than my experience with ontologies. Folksonomies are the use of words to connect posts in social media together. An example would be using a hashtag to make posts more searchable. I have often used them her to let both the publicist and author know that I have posted a review of the book or the guest post that has been written by the author is available. Ontologies are the study of how two items connect using a common language. An example of this blog would be using one of my reviews that I have also posted on Amazon to help someone decide whether or not that person would want to purchase a book. Shoppers can also grade the reviewer by how effectiv...