
Showing posts from August 19, 2018

How Much Courage Do You Have to Walk Away?

My first book in the BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge is How to Walk Away by Katherine Center.   She is a new author to me but is very popular in the world of Women’s fiction and circulates well where I work, at the Dunwoody library.   In her latest book, she tackles the issues of rehabilitation and how does one recover?   Who does it impact the most? Where does the support come from in a difficult time such as this? Katherine Center   Website     Instagram Synopsis: Margaret Jacobsen is just about to step into the bright future she's worked for so hard and so long: a new dream job, a fiancĂ© she adores, and the promise of a picture-perfect life just around the corner. Then, suddenly, on what should have been one of the happiest days of her life, everything she worked for is taken away in a brief, tumultuous moment. In the hospital and forced to face the possibility that nothing will ever be the same again, Maggie must confront the unth...