Confessions of a Breast Cancer Survivor

Welcome to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Each year at Writer’s Corner  we have participated in Penguin’s Program Read for Pink highlighting the fight against Breast Cancer.  This year we will have the Inaugural year of The Pink Escape:  Escape Into a Good Book and Support Breast Cancer Research.  You will hear for some of your favorite authors with their recommendations and about some of their books.  

I share my journey not because it is your typical cancer story.  I didn’t have a lump or mass.  My story started about this time last year.  I went to see a new gynecologist who noticed the left nipple of my breast was turned in.  She asked me if this was normal? At this time she didn’t have my previous history.  I was also dealing with a different problem.  After it was resolved in an office visit.  I asked if this was something to be concerned about.  She said no it could be normal.  I resolved to keep an eye on it. 
In November, I had checkups with my Endocrinologist and noticed that I had a higher than normal blood pressure reading.  I didn’t think anything of it at that time.  I had to go also for a screening at work where the blood pressure was also high.  I still didn’t see anything unusual.  I examined my breasts no lumps. 

In February of 2015, I was looking for an apartment because my parents put the house on the market.  I also had an allergic reaction to laundry detergent.  I developed a rash all over my mid-section including my left breast.  It was in the back of my mind that it could be more serious.  I just paid off my debt management plan and didn’t want to go backwards into debt.  It also wasn’t unusual for me to have rashes or other symptoms since I have really bad allergies.  I just knew that I couldn’t afford to pay for expensive treatment.

My story will be continued on Monday. 


  1. Jencey, thanks for sharing your story with us. I'll be tuned in the blog for your updates and also to celebrate the month of October with your blog.


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