The Joys of Raising Children with Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus

The Nanny Diaries: A NovelEmma and Nicola debuted with the Nanny Diaries in 2003.   People are still enjoying this novel today.


The novel opens with the typical nanny interview for nannies seeking positions in New York City’s east side.  You learn how to dance the dance of the interview, and then you get the honor of taking care of their children.  One day in the park Nan runs into Mrs. X who is in need of a nanny for her son Grayer.  Nan gets the honor of taking care of Grayer and a few other things.  The job does have perks such as HH and her love for Grayer.  Will Nan put her foot down with her boss?   Will she and HH be able to move forward in their relationship?

My Thoughts:

This novel came highly recommended to me.   I very much enjoyed this debut of Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus.   It had a snarky sense of humor.    I want to ask the authors of this novel how much of their experience compares with “Nan?”     I have found with the previous novel of theirs I read that they do a great job of convincing you to care for this character.  A well written novel? 
This novel discusses the fine line between parenting and child care.   I am not a parent but have been in the role of nanny with my work in the school system.   Are we expected to more than we should?  Where should one draw the line?



Please visit Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus on their website and Facebook.


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