My First Favorite of 2017!

Thank you to  Mira and Kimberly Belle for a copy of THE MARRIAGE LIE.  This copy was given to me in exchange for an honest review. 
Kimberly has recently released her next novel THE MARRIAGE LIE.  If you liked The Last Breath and The Ones WeTrust then you will love this one.  This story is engrossing , and will have your full attention to the very end.
Iris has the perfect marriage.  Her husband Will  has a great job!  They just bought their first house in  a wealthy neighborhood in Atlanta.  Iris works at a private school in the area.  This morning Will gives her a diamond bracelet.  He will leave  on  a business trip to Orlando Florida to speak at a conference.  Iris proceeds to her job as a guidance counselor at a private school.  A plane crashed in Missouri, and the story is all over the news.  This plane was headed for Seattle Washington.  Iris is concerned  but feels that everything is okay because Will is not on this plane.  She goes to the assembly with the head master to help those students affected by the crash.  Meanwhile Iris has been getting many  phone calls from her mother and her twin brother.  Will is in Florida.  Then the television shows Will’s name listed as one of the deceased from the crash.  If he went to Florida how could he be dead?  What evidence does the airline have to confirm his death?  Who is this friend Corbin?
My Thoughts: 
I loved THE MARRIAGE LIE!  It has an original plot.  Readers will want to flip ahead to find out did Will survive?  What really happened?  These questions create a real page turner from beginning to end.  It was also an easy read as well!  If a reader truly craves escapism then this is the novel for you!
To purchase visit Kimberly’s site.


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