Pull out the Knitting Needles and Join the Group at the Friday Night Knitting Club

This year in 2013 Friday Night Knitting Club is one of the Read For Pink Books.  I am delighted to bring  this book to you.


 Kate Jacobs tells the story of single mother Georgia Walker who is used to doing everything herself for her daughter with some help from Anita and Marty. She opens a shop named Walker and Daughter after her love of her life leaves her pregnant. The shop becomes successful and through the frequent patrons a group develops. They start meeting on Friday nights. After a few meetings they are christened the Friday Night Knitting club. Georgia doesn't know what to think of this club or if this is a good thing for the shop but gradually she becomes more involved. The members of the club are Anita her benefactor and friend. Then there is KC who is in the middle of a life change and a friend from Georgia's previous career. Lucy the struggling producer wants to make knitting videos on how to knit. She has other secrets as well. Another member is Darwin who is skeptical that knitting could be of any benefit as she tries to write her thesis. Then there is Georgia's friend from high school Cat Phillips who commissions Georgia to knit two formal gowns for her in the name of spending time with her. 

My Thoughts:

Georgia suddenly has a reappearance of her ex boyfriend James who wants to be involved in his daughter's life. Georgia struggles over her feelings towards him. Dakota loves having her dad back in her life. She is the preteen who struggles with being involved in her dad's life and living with her mother. 
I liked the book it had a slow beginning. I loved the idea of this book of persuing hobbies and seeing where it leads. I don't know that I would pick up knitting needles. I would love to find another hobby to meet people and be involved in my area.



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