Do Women Really Have it All?

The Good Woman is the first book in the Brennan Sister’s series.  This is also my first time reading Jane Porter’s work.


Meg has it all three great kids, a wonderful husband, and a great job.  Then there is her extended family that helps on the side.  Meg loves to be successful in everything she does, but lately that hasn’t been enough.  She doesn’t feel that she is getting what she needs from her husband or job.  It is easier for her to give advice to others than face her own problems.  One day Meg is confronted with a choice that could change everything.  Will she decide to make that choice?  Or continue her same routine?

My Thoughts:

I am always excited to share a new author with all of you.  I have heard many good comments about Jane’s work.  She definitely writes with passion and strength of character.  The emotional conflict was so strong that I felt a great deal for Meg and her family as they grew through this novel.  I look forward to where this series is going next?

Sisters are always interesting with their relationships.    Conflict can affect those relationships.  In character development roles can be developed to help develop conflict and make the story more interesting.

Have you ever struggled with your role in your family?  How would you define yourself within your family?  Are you a peace-maker, a perfectionist, or defiant? 

Please let Jane know your thoughts about this novel on her Twitter page and her Website.




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